Monday, 23 July 2012

Thought for the Week of July 23

"When I am afraid, I will trust in You." (Psalm 56:3) Events of the last several days - which have included major shootings in Toronto and in Aurora, Colorado, have made me realize how difficult it is for many people to confront and overcome fear. I noted particularly after the Aurora shooting (in a movie theatre during the showing of the most recent Batman movies) that theatres across the US and Canada announced they would be taking added security measures. I suppose security is a good thing, and I know that sometimes such incidents spark "copycat" incidents, but it still seemed to me that adding security at movie theatres across North America was playing in to the culture of fear that already exists, and that I often believe our leaders try to instill in us to justify so-called"security" measures that do little but restrict our freedoms. The Bible reminds us that "perfect love casts out fear." Where do we find "perfect love"? We find it from and in God. And so Psalm 56 gives us good advice - "when I am afraid, I will trust in You." Whatever causes fear, turn to God, and let God drive it away and fill you with grace and peace. Have a great week!

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