Monday, 6 August 2012

A Thought For The Week Of August 6

"For, 'All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall ...'" This helps us keep life in perspective, doesn't it. After the drought we've experienced around my part of the world this summer, neither the grass nor the flowers are looking very healthy. Spiritual drought does the same thing to our lives. If we fail to maintain and continually build our relationship with God, we also wither and fade spiritually, just as surely as we know grass and flowers wither and fade without water, and just as surely as we know we're going to do physically. We can't do anything about the relative shortness of our lives on this earth, but we can nurture our relationship with God and keep our spirits alive and vibrant. Prayer, Scripture reading & reflection, meditation, good works that keep us focused on the needs of those around us - these are the things that nourish and nurture our spirits. Our bodies may wither and fade over time; our spirits never need to do that. Stay in tune with God, and keep on living! Have a great week!

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