Monday, 25 February 2013

A Thought For The Week Of February 25

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." (Isaiah 26:3) Peace is a word that gets mentioned a lot in the Bible. Even Jesus is called "the Prince of Peace." I sometimes wonder if we ever really give enough thought to what is meant by this "peace," though. Is it the absence of war? Obviously not. Even Jesus said that war would continue. Not that we shouldn't stand for peace, but I don't think that's really the biblical idea of "peace." This "peace" - this "perfect peace" that Isaiah speaks of - is the inner quality of contentment that God places within those who follow him. It doesn't mean detachment from or disengagement with the world. In fact, it means quite the opposite. We should be actively engaged with the world, and doing all that we can to offer a glimpse of God's Kingdom through our own lives. In fact, this "perfect peace" is what allows us to do that, because the call God gives us is a hard one. In practical terms, there will probably be more failures than successes; more steps backward that giant leaps forward. But as people with the "perfect peace" God places within us, we can continue on, knowing that no failure or setback can do anything to separate us from the God who loves us and will never let us go. That's "peace," and that peace empowers us to do literally anything God calls us to do. Have a great week!

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