Monday, 6 May 2013

A Thought For The Week of May 6

"God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children." (Romans 8:16, The Message) God is spirit. That's testified to in Scripture. But what are we? Are we physical creatures with a spiritual component, or are we spiritual creatures with a physical component? Interesting question. While our bodies tend to dominate our thinking - keeping ourselves healthy, having food and drink, not wanting to die - it seems to me that essentially we also are spiritual beings. With the promise of eternal life we have to exist somehow and in some way outside of the bodies we have at present. And it's this "spiritual" essence that we have at the root of who we are that is our real connection to God. As spiritual beings, we can be touched by the God who is "spirit." We are, in essence, of one stuff with God. This establishes the nature of our relationship with God. The God who is spirit, creates us who are essentially spiritual. God is more than just a Creator. That sounds too mechanical. God is, in fact, a loving parent who essentially "births" children who are loved - and that's us! Have a great week!

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