Monday, 22 July 2013

A Thought For The Week Of July 22

This is how Eugene Peterson translates Psalm 51:10 in The Message: "God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life." As a new week begins for me, this seemed an appropriate Scripture to do some reflecting upon. Personally, I appreciate thinking about the fact that I get a fresh start not just every week, but every day - sometimes from minute to minute! Monday mornings are often my time to let go. I can look back at the week past, culminating in worship on Sunday, and I can let go of the things that could otherwise hold me back if I chose to hold on to them. If I thought about it too hard I'm sure I could find lots of ways in which I blew it, or where I failed, or where I could have done better, or where I wasn't a very good reflection of Jesus. And I could be burdened by those things - kicking myself all through the coming days. Or, I could choose to focus on where I feel others let me down, or disappointed me, or hurt me, or failed me. I could choose to carry a chip on my shoulder into the new week. Either of those approaches are options for how to face a new week - but they're bad options, because God is a God of new beginnings and I need to claim those new beginnings for myself. Peterson talked about shaping "a Genesis week from the chaos of my life." In the opening pages of the Bible, it was God who took chaos and created order, and God who brought forth the wonders of a new creation - a creation all of us are a part of. God hasn't finished creating. By God's grace, each one of us are a new creation each day. Forget last week, with both its successes and its failures. Commit yourselves to living as a reflection of Christ in the days to come. Have a great week!

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