Monday, 11 November 2013

A Thought For The Week Of November 11

"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." (John 3:8) I stood this morning at the cenotaph here in Port Colborne, attending the annual Remembrance Day service in honour of those who have fallen in time of war. It was a cold day, with a very cold wind blowing. A biting, chilling wind. A strong wind that drowned out many of the speakers. Many people left partway through the ceremony, not able to deal with the wind. I found myself thinking of God - and of this Scripture in particular. What a marvellous image reminding us of why we can't possibly be in control of God and God's Spirit. It would be like trying to control the wind. The wind blows as it chooses, and God's Spirit moves as God chooses. I hear the sound of the wind, just as I see and feel and sense the guidance of God's Spirit. But I can't control either. Just as the wind has a mysterious source and a mysterious destination, I'm not aware exactly of where God's Spirit may lead me from day to day. Today, at the cenotaph, some gave in to the wind and left for home, others (including me) chose to defy the wind and remain to the end. We do the same with God's Spirit as well. Sometimes we follow the Spirit's leading; sometimes we defy that leading. But the point is that whatever we're doing, God's Spirit is like the wind - all around us and uncontrollable, getting our attention constantly, whether we choose to heed the Spirit's guidance or not. So watch and listen for the Spirit of God in the days ahead. You don't know where you might be led. Have a great week!

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