Saturday, 3 March 2018

A Thought For The Week Of February 26, 2018

Last November, Toronto FC won the championship of Major League Soccer. This afternoon, I watched as they began their defence of their title. They lost. It was only one game, and there's a long way to go, but it brought to mind for me Romans 8:37: "... in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Whether it's a team winning a championship or a military victor turned into a ruthless dictator, the world is full of conquerors. I wondered, what is it that makes someone who believes in Christ "more than" a mere conqueror? Worldly conquerors may possess power and prestige - but it's temporary. Teams that win championships inevitably have to pass their title on to some other team that becomes better. Ruthless dictators may rule for a long time, but eventually they're defeated - either by an even stronger conqueror who comes along, or by the ravages of time. Somehow or another, they're defeated. But "... we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Christ is "him who loved us." Christ was the one who appeared conquered on the cross; his disciples scattered, his message silenced. He and all he stood for had been conquered by religious and political authorities. But the conquerors could not win. Christ would rise, his disciples would find their courage, his message would change the world. Because unlike worldly conquerors, Christ could not be stopped. He would become the conqueror - and more than that. He would become the conqueror who would not be conquered. He would be the one who would bring life from death, hope from despair, freedom from bondage. And we who believed in him would share his victory. We are now more than conquerors because of him. With assurance of victory, we do not have to fear defeat. With assurance of eternity, we do not have to fear the passage of time. We live - and we serve, bringing this message of hope to all who need it. "... in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Toronto FC may win the MLS title again - or they may not. But for Christians - that which we have won through Christ will never be taken from us!

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