Monday, 10 June 2013

A Thought For The Week Of June 10

"Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive." (Colossians 3:13) This may be the toughest part of living as a follower of Jesus Christ: forgiving. Let's be honest - who among us really wants to forgive. After all, if you're in the position of forgiving someone, it's probably because either they've hurt you or they owe you something - or possibly both. And, often, the last thing that comes to mind is forgiveness. All too often, what we want to do is hold on to the grievance or the debt, hold it over the other person's head, or at least let it gnaw away at us to the point that it eventually destroys our soul - because that's really what unforgiveness does. It doesn't hurt the person you can't forgive. The very fact that they need to be forgiven probably means that they don't particularly care if you can't forgive them. Our example, as always, is Jesus. "Father, forgive them," he cried from the cross. Think of the forgiveness he offers to all of us, even though so many of us turn away so often. So must we forgive those who hurt us or turn their back on us in a time of need.  By not doing so, we only hurt ourselves. After all, how can we, who have received forgiveness in such abundance from God, refuse to offer it to others? So, if there are hurts in your life inflicted by others, let them go, move on and forgive. That really is the gospel way. Have a great week!

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