Monday, 24 June 2013

A Thought For The Week Of June 24

"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5) Deep in our hearts there is probably nothing as terrifying as darkness. Think about it. What's the first thing most people are scared of? The dark! I've known adults who sleep with the lights on because they're uncomfortable with darkness. Darkness can be ominous and overwhelming. I once got caught in the midst of a tornado warning in Chicago. No tornado struck in the end, but the wind was howling, rain was pelting down, tornado sirens were blaring. That was bad enough - but the most disconcerting thing was how dark it became, and how ominous that made all the other things seem. The primitive parts of our brain, I think, tell us that darkness is not our friend. Darkness is threatening, and it's full of dangers. Maybe that's why the Bible is so consistent in linking God and Jesus with light - a light that no darkness can extinguish, John's Gospel tells us. Another way to think of it might be to say that thanks to God there is nothing that should be so frightening or so discouraging that it should cause us to lose hope. Eventually - sometimes in ways we can't understand - light wins out over darkness. Let's also not forget that as those who believe in Jesus, we're called to be lights for the world - taking away people's fears and introducing them to the light of a good God who will never abandon them.  We know that, because God has never abandoned us in the tough times. Have a great week!

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