Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Thought For The Week Of May 19

"Gracious words are a honeycomb,  sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24) There's an old saying that everyone has heard: "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." The problem is that it isn't true. Names hurt. Broken bones and bruises aren't pleasant - but they do heal. But when people are subjected to name calling and verbal attack, it leaves a lasting scar.  Language has the ability to build others up or to tear others down. But it strikes me that we're not very careful with our language anymore. It saddens me sometimes to listen to the language that gets used on an everyday basis - sometimes even by young children. There are times that I almost cringe as I walk past a schoolyard and hear how some children talk - but of course we hear it from adults as well. Sometimes the way we speak is innocent fun (at least it's meant to be) but there are times as well when what we say is hurtful. It shouldn't take a great deal of effort to speak with "gracious words," but it just doesn't happen all that much today. Perhaps we don't live in a very gracious society. What I hear too often is name calling, obscenity and anger. That puts a lot of responsibility on followers of Christ. I'd like to think that Christ calls us to a higher standard. Not that we're to be prudes in language or anything else - but it does seem to me that a follower of Christ should be making an extra effort to speak in gracious and wholesome and life giving ways that offer healing and wholeness and dignity to those who hear them. I'm going to make a very conscious effort to watch my language this week, and also to look for opportunities to build others up with a few well-chosen and gracious words. I hope you will, too. Have a great week!

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